Saturday, June 04, 2005

Dream come true

Found this article on nytimes and liked the way he described his first few mins in a ferrari !! ....

EVER wonder what it would be like to see the face of eternity at 183 miles per hour on the West Side Highway? I sure did. So on a recent Thursday morning, I slipped into the cockpit of a red Ferrari 360 Modena.. Then I wheeled onto the highway at 59th Street, and put the pedal to the metal.

The first thing I heard was the apocalyptic thunder of the Ferrari's rear-mounted 400-horsepower V-8 engine. The first thing I felt was awe - and then absolute terror. The G-force of the Ferrari's acceleration slammed me back against my black leather bucket seat. My stomach leapt to my Adam's apple. The sky and the pavement flattened out into what looked like a solid curtain.

Then I glimpsed a shining, crescent-shaped tear in the curtain. All of a sudden, I realized that the face of eternity was grinning at me. I had just hurtled from 0 to 60 m.p.h. in less than five seconds. But I was barely over the posted speed limit, and still 123 m.p.h. short of the Ferrari's top speed.

That's when I gave silent thanks for three not-so-small favors. The first was that I hadn't blown out my breakfast. The second was that the Ferrari 360 Modena is blessed with some of the best brakes ever invented, combining a proportioning valve and an ABS system to prevent the wheels from locking up when decelerating. The third favor was that I had the presence of mind to use those fancy brakes.

As I slowed to 45 m.p.h. and exited at 96th Street, the sky, the pavement, and my stomach returned to their customary positions. As of this writing, my adrenaline rush continues unabated. ...
Unless you have a heart condition or a terminal case of the goody-two-shoes, you simply have to consider taking a spin in an exotic car